Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Illness is a journey - by Debra Hayes

Debra Hayes an amazing Healer and colleague has written this in her blog :Bridging the Divide and Healing the World.Was touched by the depth of the words and the amazing thought process.Am sure you will feel the same.Do visit her blog http://healingworlds.blogspot.com/

Reproducing her words below

Anyone who has ever faced a long-chronic and/or life threatening illness through personal experience or close relations with someone affected, perhaps, knows this best.

Challenged by life alterations and accommodations, one looks into life's mirror and asks many questions. For some, illness seems like a betrayal. For others it is a fact of life. For some, it seems like punishment and for others it is a gift-- an opportunity to open to life, to love, courage, acceptance, a chance to grow, to explore, to be.